Most people look at me stunned when I say my husband and I have a debt freedom goal. One of my best friends literally lives on credit cards, while others scrounge paycheck to paycheck just to be able to go out to eat and live above their means. What I’ve found is that it isn’t your financial situation that sets you back from reaching debt freedom. In most cases, it is your outlook that makes the difference.
I’m Overly Optimistic
I must admit, I am an overly optimistic person, especially when it comes to the future. After all, it can be whatever you want to make it, right?
This can be both good and bad. Sometimes I do fail to see what could go wrong or when things just aren’t possible. I refuse to accept “can’t.” My husband, on the other hand, is someone who thinks of everything that could possibly go wrong and finds a solution for each of those problems before they even happen. We balance each other well that way.
However, my positive outlook has been beneficial in many areas of our lives. From our debt free journey (we are $20K+ down in a year) to our fitness journeys, positivity has been key!
How a Positive Outlook Has Helped Me With Weight Loss
If you don’t already know, I have been on a weight loss journey alongside my debt freedom journey. Over the past three years, I’ve lost about 132 pounds. My husband has lost 70.
One thing losing weight and paying off debt have in common is that they are both difficult. Extremely difficult. I have to look for inspiration daily to keep on track with both of these goals. Whether I find a new inspirational person to follow on Instagram, read some inspirational article or book, or simply have a dose of daily affirmation, positivity keeps me moving forward.
Positivity and Paying Off Debt
They say there are characteristics most debt-free people have. One of these, for us, is a positive attitude.
We took a look at our finances a couple of weeks ago so that I could provide a debt update here on the blog. When we tallied everything up, we’d paid off $22,565 over the span of a year, bringing our $65,000 debt down to around $40,000.
There are plenty of days we both want to quit and run a credit card for something or take a break from payments to go on a trip. We are both able to keep a positive mindset when it comes to paying off our debt because we know how great it will feel once we reach our goal. We already know what it feels like to hit goals in our weight loss journey and can’t wait to feel what it feels like being debt free!
All in all, a negative outlook could really harm your chances of meeting any of your goals. If you don’t think you can do it, you won’t. Clear your mind from negativity and move towards your newly painted future, whether it be health, finances, or other goals you have in mind.
What do you think? Has a negative outlook ever impacted your ability to meet goals?
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