Chances are, you didn’t learn much in school about how to manage your money once you started working and living on your own. Now that you’ve got this responsibility on your plate, it’s probably time to educate yourself about living within your means and preparing for any financial difficulties that may come your way. A good place to start is with these 5 simple tips to help you manage your money as you step into adulthood. [Read more…]
If you are over budget when you tally up your expenses, see where you can cut costs. Do you really need Hulu, Amazon, and Netflix? Or, if you’re looking for a bigger decrease, consider downsizing to a smaller home to better fit your new one-income budget. Others may find it beneficial to move to a more pedestrian-friendly area to cut down to one (or no) car payment or walk more places. If you’re comfortable doing so, you may even consider taking in a roommate or renter.
Consider giving up your indulgent behaviors like going out to eat, junk food, and other items as well. You certainly don’t need to eat out every Friday and spend tons of money on junk foods. This will help cut down the cost of food in your budget as well.